Jorge Centofanti
Jorge Centofanti is internationally recognised as the leading exponent of the ancient leather art form known as Guadamecí, traced to the city of Cordoba, Spain, in the 9th century, techniques which he has mastered (moulding, embossing, bas-relief, high relief, engraving, pyrogravure, dyeing, painting, gilding, tooling, stamping, incising, mosaic) and upgraded in order to create modern leather murals and wall hangings, an innovation in itself.As the critic Alice Peyton Taylor says: "Jorge Centofanti understands the nature of skin and leather, its versatility and suppleness, and he exploits all their qualities to their maximum, to express his artistic visions and ideas. He sculpts wood to create embossing moulds (so successful in themselves that collectors rush to buy them at the end of each series) from his own original designs, and in his hands skins and leather become pulp, paste, clay, noble matter that takes the form of his ultimate expression." Now he will run a series of short courses to teach this beautiful art form. This is a wonderful opportunity for students of all ages to relax in idyllic surroundings, bask in the magnificent Occitane landscape and practice this new and exciting art technique. At the end of each course a finished leather art piece will have been completed.
Visit the Jorge Centofanti website http://www.jorgecentofanti.com
for more information about the Artist and his work