We have carefully selected the best accommodation available in the region, from Hotels to Chambres d’Hôtes (Bed and Breakfast) to Gites (Self catering), combining quality, comfort, convenience and affordable prices. We strongly recommend that you study the website for each place, or their leaflets if proceeding by post, in order to determine which venue is the most suitable for your requirements. Once you have made your choice, we would suggest that you contact them by post or email stating that you are planning to study at the Atelier des Arts and check for availability. All the selected places get booked up well in advance, so we would encourage you to contact them as early as possible. A deposit equivalent to at least one night’s stay is usually required, in Euros. We hope it can be understood that although we have taken every care in our selection, and all the places listed have a long-standing reputation, we cannot be held responsible if for any reason they do not meet your expectations.
Puylaurens (All venues listed are 5 minutes away by car).
Hotel ***: Chateau Cap de Castel,
Village centre.
Swimming pool. Panoramic views. Restaurant.
Rooms from 39 to 99 Euros per night.
Contact Madame Françoise Marianini.
Telephone: + 33 (0) 563 702176
email: hotel@chateau-capdecastel.com
Chambres d’Hôte ( B&B)
28 rue Foulimou,
Village centre.
Rooms from 40 to 50 Euros per night.
Contact Madame Anny Lapeyre.
Telephone: + 33 (0) 563 705928
email: Annylapeyre@wanadoo.fr
Chambres d’Hôte ( B&B)
Les Justices (rural, 1.5 Kms from village).
Swimming pool. Spa. Garden. Meals.
Rooms from 55 to 70 Euros per night.
Contact Madame Janine Mercier.
Telephone: + 33 (0) 563 702661
Email: sncmis@aol.com
Gite (self catering):
Domaine de Bacharan
(rural, close to Atelier, 8 minutes walk, 3 by car)
Within a Park, house with 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms,
living room, kitchen. 650 Euros per week.
Contact Madame Claudine Vergnes.
Telephone +33 (0) 563 757076.
Email: Claudine.vergnes@free.fr
Gite (self catering):
Pech En Gélis (rural, 1.5 kms from village).
Panoramic views. House with 3 rooms, bathroom,
kitchen, living room.
May-June 275 Euros p/week.
Contact Madame Sylvette Payrastre.
Telephone: + 33 (0) 563 750317
Email: Maurice.payrastre@tele2.fr
Lamothe (6 mins away - 4 Kms through country road)
Chambres d’Hôte (B&B): Les Abelias
(Manor house in a hamlet)
Period residence with themed rooms, from 39 Euros to 56 Euros per night. Meals.
Contact Madame Geneviève Millot.
Telephone: +33 (0) 563 7514
email: lesabelias@libertysurf.fr |
Algans (20 minutes away –15 Kms- by car, north-west)
Chambres d’Hôte (B&B) & Gite (self cater):
Montplaisir en Rose (period hamlet).
Swimming pool. Rural setting. Meals. 5 rooms
from 40 to 60 Euros per night.
Gite: capacity for 15 people: 1600 Euros per week.
Contact Mr Thierry Mazia, Telephone: + 33 (0) 563 750233
email: contact@montplaisirenrose.com |
Lac de Saint Ferréol (20 minutes away -14 Kms by car, south-east)
Hotel ***: Hotellerie-Residence du Lac
On the shore of a lake at the foothills of the Montagne Noire.
Swimming pool. Panoramic views. Restaurant. 22 rooms and apartments from 50 to 60 Euros per night.
Contact Mr Marechal. Telephone +33 (0) 562 187080.
www.hotellerie-du-lac.com email: info@hotellerie-du-lac.com